Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Adam, 2015

Hi there! It's Christmas Adam (because Adam comes before Eve) or otherwise known as Christmas Eve Eve. ;)
We are expecting some near record high temperatures. The heat will be in the Eastern USA. Many will be 15-35 degrees above normal.
Before Christmas, rain and severe weather will be in the southern Midwest. Severe weather will move to the East. Tornado watches are in place in this region. Flooding is possible from Georgia to South Carolina and into North Carolina.
Low pressure will bring snow and ice to Texas and Oklahoma. Snow and ice and some rain will spread to Arkansas. The storm will slowly move east.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday, October 30

A super cyclonic storm named Chapala is rapidly strengthening in the Arabia Sea. This storm is expected to be a category 5 tomorrow. When it hits Yemen, it will be a category 1 storm. 
In southeast Texas, a low pressure is causing severe storms. Flash flooding is possible.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Wednesday, August 20

Hurricane Danny is headed to Windward Islands, south of Puerto Rico. It will get there Sunday into Monday at hurricane strength.
Another system could form in the Atlantic, They are expecting this system to turn towards the New England area. There's a 60% chance that it will become a tropical depression within 5 days.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015

Hurricane Carlos will mostly stay offshore. It's skimming the west coast of Mexico, but cold water is causing it to die.
In the Gulf of Mexico, we are watching Invest #91-L and whether it will become a named storm. If named, it will be Bill as Ana affected the East Coast of the U.S., May 8-12 with strong winds of 58 mph on May 9, before the official start of hurricane season.
A high pressure over South Carolina and Georgia is pushing Invest #91-L westward.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23

There will be scattered showers in the Southeast this morning.  Snow will accumulate in Illinois and Iowa this morning.  Cold weather persists in New England region.  There will be snow and rain in the Northwest.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17

A winter storm lurks in the Midwest. Many areas in South Carolina will see ice and snow this morning, including Florence, Horry, Marion, and Dillon counties near the coast. Additionally areas in upstate South Carolina will get snow and ice including Chester, York, Cherokee, Spartanburg, Greenville, Pickens, Oconee, Anderson, and Union. North Carolina will also get snow and parts of central and south North Carolina will get ice. Eastern Tennessee has an ice storm warning. Virginia and Kentucky will get snow.

Another batch of arctic air is coming. Wednesday it will cover North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota. Thursday  it will expand to Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Arkansas.  Friday much of the U.S. will be cold as it expands to the Northeast region. Mild to normal temperatures will remain on the west coast region.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday, January 28

A high pressure is bringing cold weather to the Southeast. Eastern Maine continues to receive snowfall from the Nor'easter. This low pressure has weakened. 
Over 24 inches of snowfall was recorded in Rhode Island and eastern Massachusetts. Central Connecticut, central Massachusetts, and southeast Maine received 12-24 inches of snow. 6-12 inches of snow was recorded in west Connecticut, west Massachusetts, and central Maine. 3-6 inches of snow was recorded in north New Jersey, east New York, central Vermont, and north Maine. 1-3 inches of snow as reported int he rest of New York, north Vermont, and north Maine. 
An Alberta Clipper will hit Michigan with snow tonight, bringing mixed precipitation to Indiana and Illinois. The storm will move Eastward, hitting northwest New York, northwest Pennsylvania and north Ohio with snow tomorrow; central Ohio will get mixed precipitation. Thursday night it will bring snow to Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday, January 15

Rain and scattered showers continue in South Carolina caused by moisture from the Gulf.  This also causes freezing rain in North Carolina and Virginia when mixed with cold air from Canada.

Interested in learning about past hurricanes?  Check out this site:
It contains data back to 1851.  Hurricanes were "named" starting in 1954.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Weather for Tuesday, January 13

Moisture from the Gulf causes rain in the Southeast.  Cold air from Canada will cause the moisture to tun to freeing rain in North Carolina and Virginia.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday, January 7

Lake effect snow continues over that region. Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey are also affected by the winter storm.

A cold front covers much of the US. Winds chills of -54 were reported in Minnesota. Tonight in South Carolina temperatures will drop to the teens. Friday, moisture from the Gulf Coast and this arctic blast will cause rain and ice in Texas. The rain and ice will continue on Saturday. This will cause rain in Texas and ice in Arkansas on Sunday.

The storm moves east bringing rain to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia on Monday; ice in Kentucky, West Virginia, Washington D.C., Maryland, Delaware and Ohio; snow in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday, January 6

There will be afternoon snow in Montana.

A winter storm will bring moderate snow to the Great Lakes region. This storm dumped 6" of snow in central Iowa. Behind the storm is blustery winds and bitterly cold temperatures. Highs in the Midwest will be single digits above zero with wind chills to -30.

The cold temperatures will move east with the high pressure. Temperatures in South Carolina will hardly be out of the 30s on Thursday.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Saturday, January 3

3 major systems continue to affect the weather in the U.S. 
System #1: Rain continues in the same regions as yesterday, and is moving northeast.
System #2: Cold air now sits over Iowa and is still moving east.
System #3: Blizzard warnings across much of the New England region.

Hawaii also has blizzard warnings and there is record heat in Australia. Really cold temperatures across much of the U.S. heading into Sunday and much of next week.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday, January 2

There are 3 major systems over the U.S.
A low pressure near the Kentucky and Missouri border is causing rain and scattered showers in eastern Texas, east Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and northern Florida. This system will move northeast to Michigan.

A high pressure over New York brings cold air to the area.

A low pressure over North Dakota and South Dakota will move east and cause snow in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. As the storm moves towards Michigan, it will bring snow to the New England region.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The first weather report of 2015!

Southeast parts of Texas will get rain. Central Texas, Missouri, and Arkansas will get some ice. Northwest Texas will get snow as well as Arkansas and Missouri. There's snow in Michigan and Wisconsin. 
In the mountains of Hawaii, there was snow for Christmas; that's very unusual. A typhoon went through the Philippines a few weeks ago. 
Currently, light snow covers northwestern parts of Texas, northern Oklahoma, much of Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and northwest Iowa. There is heavy snow in the mountains of Wyoming. Moderate snow covers the mountains of Colorado. The western states of Nevada, Oregon, and Washington have light snow cover.